Press Photographers

Araquem Alcântara
Araquem Alcântara
Brazil in color...
Micha Bar-Am
Micha Bar-Am
Israeli press photographer. Fifty years of tumultuous existence of this country seen from the interior.
Yann Arthus Bertrand
Yann Arthus Bertrand
Paper-painted photographer.
David Burnett
David Burnett
Sport photographer primarily, he carries out also traditional portraits. In the tradition of the photojournalism of the Eighties.
Denis Félix
Denis Félix
Press, Portraits.
Olivier Follmi
Olivier Follmi
Photographer "of Humanity". Himalayan portraits and landscapes.
Jan Grarup
Jan Grarup
What misfortunes on this earth, poignant images with effective framings. No one can come out unscathed from this visit.
Chris Jordan
Chris Jordan
American Mass Consumption photographs.
Sean Kennedy Santos
Sean Kennedy Santos
Between press and illustration. "opened" framings, lights with colors and saturatrions. Works also for advertisiong.
Carl de Keyzer
Carl de Keyzer
Work in the center of the things, strong images. Able also of good achievements for the advertizing between two trips.
Joachim Ladefoged
Joachim Ladefoged
Danish photographer, he traversed many conflicts by the world.
Yann Layma
Yann Layma
Impassioned by China it brings back tender and poetic images of it.
Steve McCurry
Steve McCurry
Portraits. Eyes, eyes ...
Peter Marlow
Peter Marlow

English photographer member of the agency Magnum. Closed spaces, details and indices in the square of its framings. Press photographer, he's also working for advertising.

Isabel Muñoz
Isabel Muñoz
The body and its representation and in particular through the dance.
James Nachtwey
James Nachtwey
War photographer, humanistic and utopian.
Alain Nogues
Alain Nogues
Cofounder of Sygma, french press photographer, news and portraits.
When China wakes up... Astonishing images, portraits taken in all simplicity.
Philip Plisson
Philip Plisson
Sea... Headlights...
Women Photographers
Erik Refner
Erik Refner
Danish photographer near to people and their suffering, their madnesses, their anguishes. A true glance.
Iranian Photojournalist in exile. Significant work on childhood, the exile, the life. A great photographer.
Marc Riboud
Marc Riboud
The French school.
Sebasti√£o Salgado
Sebastião Salgado
Work of Salgado. Exodus, work, famine, peasants... International reporter humanistic and engaged.
Aldo Soares
Aldo Soares
Beautiful portraits Polaroids, known or unknown people of Cuba or besides, meetings... Work of a humanistic photographer, music in no-claims bonus.
Mikhael Subotzky
Images of an astonishing force. Poignant pictures of South African prisons.
Gérard Uféras
Gérard Uféras
Portraits, press and fashion. Photographer for Libération and the french agency VU.
Tomas Van Houtryve
Tomas Van Houtryve
Great classic of the photojournalism. War, tragedies and joy...
Ami Vitale
Ami Vitale
Indian Photojournalist. Beautiful significant images of the pain, glances of children whom one does not forget.
50 ans World Press Photo
50 ans World Press Photo
Fifty years of a prestigious price.
Li Zhensheng
The Cultural Revolution under its most terrible aspects.
Zosia Zija
Zosia Zija
Actress, Photographer and Polish. Beautiful portraits in situation. Proximity.
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